Be a Tutor

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Be a Tutor

How it works

Name your rate

Turn on tutor light

Cashout earnings

Welcome to the world’s first open education network.

Tutors on PEERS edu love to use their best academic skills in our tutoring platform.  We welcome college students and alumni who have studied in many disciplines and many cultures.  List your skills and you’ll find that someone in the world needs them.

Get the App

PEERS edu always has an open enrollment. If you have the right interpersonal skills, then become a PEAK (Prepared, Enthusiastic, Articulate, Kind) tutor. Register and start building your tutoring reputation.

Make money tutoring the subjects you are great at.

As a tutor on PEERS edu, you are paid the rate you set for each session. Someone in the world wants to talk to you because of your academic or professional background. You become popular when you offer excellent service to students, get good ratings, and are visibly active on PEERS edu.